Montessori Wing

Casa di Bambini

House of Children

Scientific observation has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by human individual and is acquired not by listening to words but the experiences upon the environment.

- " Maria Montessori, Education for a New World"

Maria Montessori saw much need for reform in the educational system of her day, just as we see the same need for reform in our educational system today. Her goal was to develop the whole personality of the child and her system is based on a strong belief in the spontaneous working of the human intellect. Her three primary principles are observation, individual liberty and preparation of the environment. These principles and their various practical expressions with children are gradually becoming part of our educational system. Modern kindergarten classrooms use the child- sized furniture and didactic materials first introduced by Montessori. Such current concepts as individualized learning and readiness programs, manipulative learning, ungraded classes, combined age groups, team teaching and open classrooms reflect many of her early insights.

Below are some characteristics and benefits of the Montessori method:

International Education with Indian Values!

At Star School, we aim to fulfil child's educational and development needs in a nurturing environment. Our team is happy to support you and answer all your queries related to the admission process.

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